Thursday, August 5, 2010

Auction Sniper Fail

I felt how Lou Ferrigno looks(mad) after my snipe malfunctioned on a bid today. A tip: if you change your ebay password, don't forget to update it on your Auctionsniper profile. I could have really used that record at such a good price,too.

Monday, May 24, 2010

How do you say genius in Portuguese?

Most of Auckland might have been unaware, but we were graced with the presence of a musical legend On saturday night. We packed the powerstation like sardines in a caipirinha with many an ex-pat brazilian turning out on what was apparently Jorge Ben's 68th birthday. And Despite a few concerns, on my behalf, about what the band he brought would be like, having been told that previous gigs had been a bit on the dance remix, smooth jazz kind of side, I was pleasantly suprised and enjoyed myself, even breaking into some kind of a half dance like motion. My self conciousness was no match for the power of his sweet sweet voice.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


"In their quest to bring the outdoors in, they hadn’t considered the possibility of the mutant rock formations that were now encroaching. While not overtly threatening, they thought it best to stay on this side of the deck."

"Drink in hand, he settled into the numb nothingness of his self-imposed isolation."

"As twilight approached, he reclined in his plywood cubby, illuminated by the glow of the spare bulb and his humming laptop, searching eBay for Salinger first-editions. (And no, he didn’t miss her. Not one bit.)"

"Homeschooling seemed preferable to spending 193 days rolling her eyes at the snot-nosed kids down the block, waiting for summer, but her parents’ idea of “integrated learning” was far more depressing."

Monday, May 3, 2010

American Pictures

AMAZING photo collection of poverty and racism in America found via

Sunday, April 18, 2010


One man doom metal band hailing from South Carolina, circa 1980's

Well, did you evah

I wanted to listen to some chonez on myspace (specifically Neil Young's Rust Never Sleeps because I don't own any neil young and I thought it would be quite nice on a sunday evening), but my computer is being a slow bitch ever since I upgraded 10 dollars to longer period of broadband usage.

But look at this:

I hadn't thought about this song since I was a kid untill stumbling upon it now. But I had no idea who Iggy Pop or Debbie Harry were then. So I quess my musical taste wasn't all chud back then, even though this is probably considered chud by meany. I like it. However, his Duet with Kate pierson is better.

Bonus clip:

Definitely not chud.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Space is the place

This is a photo of the space shuttle Atlantis traveling across the path of the sun that I happened upon whilst cleaning up my favorites, the best silhouette I have ever seen.

Transit duration: 0.8s. Transit bandwidth on Earth: 5.6 km. Altitude: 600 km. Speed: 7 km/s (25000 km/h). Length of Atlantis : 35m, length of Hubble : 13m.

Takahashi TOA-130 refractor (diameter 130mm, final focal 2200mm or 3400mm) on Manfrotto video tripod, Baader solar prism and Canon 5D mark II, plus a detailed map of Florida, a GPS (for the precise location) and a radio-controlled watch (for the precise time). Exposure of 1/8000s at 100 ISO (RAW). The ships being too small and too fast to be watched through the viewfinder, a "blind" series of 16 images (at a pace of 4 images/s) starts 2 seconds before the predicted time.

Find more pictures and detail here

Friday, March 26, 2010

Deadly Pray

This movie looks incredible!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Purple Rain

Last night I dreamt that Prince was playing a show at Aotea Square for its re-opening. It was pooring down with rain, very reminicent of his superbowl show with the purple lighting of the rain and he played MAGGOT BRAIN!! And David Frost interviewed me for Al Jazeera.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baby face hardy

The song has nothing to do with her (but it could if you wanted it to). I just love the fact I can find just about any song I want to on youtube.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Van Halen "Running with the Devil" Vocal Track

I would like to bring to your attention probably the only Facebook group worth joining. You must listen to the T-pain and Controller 7 remixes.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010