Monday, May 24, 2010

How do you say genius in Portuguese?

Most of Auckland might have been unaware, but we were graced with the presence of a musical legend On saturday night. We packed the powerstation like sardines in a caipirinha with many an ex-pat brazilian turning out on what was apparently Jorge Ben's 68th birthday. And Despite a few concerns, on my behalf, about what the band he brought would be like, having been told that previous gigs had been a bit on the dance remix, smooth jazz kind of side, I was pleasantly suprised and enjoyed myself, even breaking into some kind of a half dance like motion. My self conciousness was no match for the power of his sweet sweet voice.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


"In their quest to bring the outdoors in, they hadn’t considered the possibility of the mutant rock formations that were now encroaching. While not overtly threatening, they thought it best to stay on this side of the deck."

"Drink in hand, he settled into the numb nothingness of his self-imposed isolation."

"As twilight approached, he reclined in his plywood cubby, illuminated by the glow of the spare bulb and his humming laptop, searching eBay for Salinger first-editions. (And no, he didn’t miss her. Not one bit.)"

"Homeschooling seemed preferable to spending 193 days rolling her eyes at the snot-nosed kids down the block, waiting for summer, but her parents’ idea of “integrated learning” was far more depressing."

Monday, May 3, 2010

American Pictures

AMAZING photo collection of poverty and racism in America found via