Monday, November 10, 2008

Fishing With John

For a long time now, I have been of the opinion that John Lurie is Ace. Down By Law just happens to be one of my favorite independent movies and Stranger Than Paradise aint bad either. I can't justify buying DVD's since I only watch them a couple of times and then they sit on the shelf gather dust. So it was nice to find the five Fishing With John episodes on blessed youtube.

Here's what Criterion says "John Lurie knows absolutely nothing about fishing, but that doesn’t stop him from undertaking the adventure of a lifetime on Fishing With John. Traveling with his special guests to the most exotic and dangerous places on earth, John Lurie battles sharks with Jim Jarmusch off the tip of Long Island, goes ice fishing with Willem Dafoe at Maine’s northernmost point, braves the Costa Rican jungle with Matt Dillon, takes Tom Waits to Jamaica, and searches for the elusive giant squid with Dennis Hopper in Thailand."

I like the one with Tom Waits best

part 1

part 2

part 3

1 comment:

Georgie said...

I think I like anything with Tom Waits the best.